Traffic Construction on M-14

Monday lanes will shut down Click Here for Details

Four Saginaw Teachers Stand Up and Win

In September 2013, the Michigan Education Association had a surprise for the nearly 8,000 public school employees who thought that by not signing up for the union’s e-dues that they were expressing their desire to disaffiliate from the union. … more

GOP Senate Will Show Dems are Party of NO

Bills sitting in the Senate now will go to President for signature or vetos Click Here for Details

Seriousness in Humor?

SNL shows blacks not supporting Obama Click Here for Details


  DNC Chair thinks Dems may keep the Senate Click Here for Story

Obama Responsible for Epidemic

Open borders letting disease into the US Click Here for Details

More Ebola Coming?

Scientists say 130 cases in US by year end? Click Here for Story

British Army Cadet Attacked

  Attacked while raising funds for charity CLick Here for Details