Election Eve

   Don't forget to vote tomorrow!

Washtenaw Voter Guide

Candidates and issues on tomorrow's ballot Click Here for Details

Reasons to Vote in Livingston

Election is important get out and voteClick Here for Story

Almost Every Teacher and Administrator at Poor Performing Districts Rated 'Effective'

Flint Schools gives 94 percent of teachers and 99 percent of administrators good marks

Those ratings don’t correlate with the school district’s troubled history of poor student academic achievement.… more

State Budget Follies: Senior Olympics Subsidies Getting Old

Subsidizing the “Michigan Senior Olympics” is not a proper function of government. It is unfair to those whose hobbies are not subsidized, it financially supports a group who may already be healthier and wealthier than your average resident, and the state has more pressing uses for the money.… more

Effort to Short Circuit School Choice Laid Out

Charter moratorium bills becoming a full legislative package

House Democrats have announced legislation that completes the charter public school policy they would likely pursue if they gain control of that chamber. … more

Deal or No Deal?

What could a GOP Senate and Obama agree on? Click Here for Details

Obama Not Packing the House

View image on Twitter   Can't fill half a gym? Click Here for Story

Voters Trust GOP on Economy

Economy is number one concern Click Here for Details

No Detente?

    Is now the time to cut US defenses in Europe as Russia provokes? Click Here for Details

Finally Getting the Blame

Obama can't keep pointing fingers elsewhere Click Here for Story


    Race Baiting Democrats try to call GOP Klansmen? Click Here for Details

Climate Truth

Weather Channel founder John Coleman  Weather Channel found calls man-made global warming baloney Click Here for Story

Election Truth

Voting for Democratic Senators is a vote for Obama's Executive AmenstyClick Here for Details

Obama Policies Leave US Equipment in ISIS Hands

     ISIS terrorists now using US military equipment Click Here for Story and Video