Friday, December 5, 2014

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BOX-Join-Rush247"There was no 'chokehold death,' and it may well be that whoever is anchoring at CNN really doesn't know it.  It could well be that they do such a good job of lying they convince themselves." -Rush

Free Transcripts and Rush 24/7 Audio:

"I am convinced this government shutdown thing is simply an excuse, because the Republicans -- for whatever reason -- don't want to stop Obama on immigration." -Rush


"I knew a couple immigrants that were gonna be naturalized, and what happens is at the ceremony they're given an oath, and it's a "repeat after me" kind of thing.  They knew it.  They were so excited, they could recite it from memory, because it meant so much to them.  Those people are the ones that are in line and getting in at a trickle rate." -Rush

More Transcripts and Audio That Will Reflect the Contents of Today's Program:

  • Pondering Mitch McConnell's Strategery
  • Rush Revere Is Working -- Here's the Proof
  • Another Black Liberal Questions Obama's Authenticity
  • A Hundred Cigars for a West Point Cadet!
  • Wait 'Til the Millennials Find Out About Hillary

Watch Monday's Video Morning Update Today:  San Jose (a Rush 24/7 perk)

"In 2010, the Democrats got shellacked. In 2014, the Democrats got shellacked again.  It is so bad for the Democrats that you got Tom Harkin and Chuck-U Schumer now publicly admitting Obamacare was a mistake.  Henry 'Nostrilitis' Waxman is quitting." -Rush

Rush's Quick Hits: Rolling Stone Retracts UVA Rape Story... Lena Dunham's Republican Rape Claim Busted by Breitbart... Eric Garner's Daughter: It Wasn't About Race...Blow to Hillary Campaign: Candy Crowley Out at CNN...

"The nervousness of callers derives from self-consciousness people have. Instead of just losing themselves and getting outside themselves, they start thinking, 'Okay, how am I gonna sound? Does my voice sound good?' Once you start thinking about yourself, then you're not who you are." -Rush

"The Democrat Party, I maintain to you, is in a state of disarray that could be exploited if the Republicans had the ability to think and act like winners." -Rush
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