Tune in to catch The Drift Radio Show Saturday at 2 pm on WAAM Talk 1600 or live on the web athttp://www.waamradio.com call in line 734-822-1600 to talk about the news of the week!

Ann Arbor Sure Could Use Those Whitmore Lake Students Now?

Road funding bill could cost Ann Arbor schools big money? Click Here for Details

Extended Bar Hours?

Legislation could give bars an optional4 am closing time Click Here for Story

The Harm of Occupational Licensing Laws

   By Jarrett Skorup |12/5/2014

Michigan's 'guild-ridden labor market' hurts economy; does not protect consumer health and safety. … more

More Distrust in Media

Rolling Stone falsely accused University of Virginia  fraternity of gang rape Click Here for Details

Deportations Drop Under Obama

Amnesty just a continuation of Obama's lack of law enforcement Click Here for Story

Occupy Ferguson

By Michael Goodell

The run up to the riots had more in common with the week before the Super Bowl than a vigil sat for justice. When the decision not to decide was announced the rioters looked more like people going to work than people going to war. The rage seemed a sham, more like a duly scheduled Orwellian Two Days of Hate.  Rage is spontaneous. It doesn’t answer the bell, it doesn’t meet.... Click Here for More

Pelosi Ready to Shut Down Government?

Pelosi warns GOP not to take Dem budget votes for granted    Along with Obama vetos Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi threatens GOP about trying to defund Amnesty Click Here for Details

Hillary Wants to Empathize with Our Enemies

Image via michaelsavage.com   More psycho babble nonsense from a liberal nit witClick Here for Details and Video

The Obama Economy

Economy Jobs92 Million Americans not working? Click Here for Story

We Should Have NOT Passed Obamacare?

Another Major Democrat renouncing Obamacare?Click Here for Details

Pass, Don't Read

Us Congressman admit to passing Defense Budget without reading itClick Here for Story

Media Bias

Gutfeld shows unbelievable example of media bias Click Here for Video

Outrage: Time to Remove the President?

Obama US Israel_AP_660.jpgReports that the US may sanction Israel, its closest ally in the Middle East? Click Here for Details