Monday, October 27, 2014

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Rush Revere & Liberty
Available Now:  Amazon | iBooks | B&N | BAM!The Audiobook, Read By Rush

BOX-Join-Rush247"So let me see if I understand this.  The states want to set up their own Ebola quarantines.  Why would they want to do that?  That's because they don't trust the federal government's quarantine protocols, right?  It means they don't trust the CDC. It means they don't trust Obama or the Ebola czar, who has yet to make an appearance." -Rush

Free Transcripts, and Audio for Rush 24/7Members:

"People will gladly put their lives on the line to try to help Ebola patients in Africa, but they won't put up with the inconvenience of being quarantined for 21 days in order to protect the lives of their family and others here at home?" -Rush

"The left has sought to make as many people as possible think of themselves as victims.  Victims of the system. Victims of the rich. Victims of the boss. Victims of unfairness. Victims of discrimination. Victims of whatever." -Rush

More Transcripts and Audio That Will Reflect the Contents of Today's Program:

  • If You Go to Africa to Fight the Spread of Ebola, Why Balk at a 21-Day Quarantine to Ensure You Don't Spread It?
  • Democrat Rhetoric Like Bill Clinton's Is Creating Small People, Stoking Their Small Hatreds, and Keeping Them Small
  • NY Times: "Why Republicans Alienate Hispanics: They Don't Need Them." Washington Post: "Could Non-Citizens Decide the November Election?"

Watch Tomorrow's Video Morning Update Today: Two Options (for Rush 24/7 members)

"This audience is expanding. You would not believe the expansion of this audience even now into our 27th year. It defies media protocols, defies media history. It's a beautiful thing. As such, there are new people here every day, and it takes six weeks minimum to understand everything that can happen here and put it all in context." -Rush

"Every time a scandal breaks, or every time Obama breaks something, I always wonder what reporter is withholding what that we should know right now for his or her book that will come out after it's all said and done. A year after Obama leaves office we'll probably get the true story on amnesty, the true story on Ebola, and how they were all tied together from the Oval Office." -Rush
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