Breaking: Democrats Endangering All of US

           Obama and the Democrats release of CIA information will endanger US security/intel forces and could lead to violence against Americans Click Here for Details

Fallen Deputy Honored

Killed in the line of duty Click Here for Story

You are Entering the Government Pension Zone …

    An alternative universe of finance and accounting practices

By Jack McHugh and James M. Hohman | Courtesy of Mich Cap Con

One obstacle to fully comprehending Michigan’s current pension debate is that many – perhaps most - people don’t know how pensions operate. … more

Here's What They are Voting on in Lame Duck

  Road funding, religious freedom, film subsidies & more. … more

The Real War on Women

It's not the GOP its Islam and tolerance for extremism that is the real war on women Click Here for Details

Protests Too Violent

    Berkley Oakland area rocked by more rioting and lootingClick Here for Story

The Big Leap

  Whose first to jump in 2016? Click Here for Details

The Big Deal

What's in the House Senate budget bill? Click Here for Story

 The Truth About Obama

     Obama lets loose on the press with profanity says retired ABC journalist Click Here for Story and Video

Free Entry to Terrorists and Criminals

    Obama Amnesty lets criminals and possibly terrorists in AND stay in the US Click Here for Details

Remember All Those Illegal Immigrant Kids?

   Here's what you paid to house them Click Here for Story