Breaking NY Cop Not Indicted for Choking Man to Death

This time video is available but Grand Jury did not indict Click Here for Details

Full Video ...decide for yourself

Help Find Home Invaders

home invasion.PNG    Sketch released of thugs breaking into homes Click Here for Details

Holiday Help for Humane Society

Humane Society looking for help with canines over the holidays Click Here for Story

Property Seized, Money Taken – But No Crime

   By Anne Schieber | Courtesy of Mich Cap Con

Two Michigan residents tell how their assets were taken and their bank accounts frozen for months without ever being arrested or charged with any crime. Civil asset forfeiture accounted for $20 million for law enforcement in 2013. … more

IRS Cover Up Continues

Feds won't release documents in caseClick Here for Details

Most Corrupt Countries

Where does the US fall? Click Here for Story

 States Sue Obama Over Immigration Amnesty

Gov.-elect Greg Abbott of Texas   17 states jump into suit Click Here for Details

Will Protests Start Over New York Choking Death?

Was this Grand Jury wrong? Click Here for Story

Don't Judge All Cops by a Few Bad Apples

Charles BarkleyCharles Barkley supports Police Click Here for Details

AI Warning

Stephen Hawking (Reuters/Jason Lee)Stephen Hawking says Artificial Intelligence could mean the end of the human race Click Here for Story

Boehner Crafts Surrender on Amnesty?

     GOP not capable of standing ground Click Here for Details