A2 Schools to Open More School of Choice Seats

Up to 750 seats may be opened? Click Here for Details

Drug Testing for Welfare

New bills under consideration in Michigan Click Here for Story

'Uncompromised' Liberal Group Takes Big Money From Teachers Union

  Progress Michigan's attacks on school choice align with NEA's goals

By Tom Gantert | Courtesy of Mich Cap Con

The liberal non-profit Progress Michigan boasts it doesn't take corporate money, but it did take $67,000 in 2014 from a national teachers union and criticized charter schools. … more

Right-to-Work 'Freeloader' Claim Still a Farce

   MEA is the one freeloading off of teachers

By Jarrett Skorup | Courtesy of Mich Cap

In the debate over whether or not people should be forced to pay money to unions as a condition of employment, opponents of right-to-work laws often claim that workers who exercise their rights under the law are “freeloaders.” That is, that they are taking advantage of benefits from union bargaining while not paying their “fair share.” … more

Enjoy It While It Lasts

Oil prices may jump next year Click Here for Details

Facts and Perspective

(Fox News)IS there an epidemic ofwhite police officers killing Afircan Americans?Click Here for Story

Who Hillary Loses Sleep Over

4 GOP challengers who could give Hillary a run for her money Click Here for Details

Is China Getting Ahead of US?

Image via michaelsavage.com Hypersonic missile could defeat US defenses Click Here for Story

We're Number Two

America no longer world's leading economic power Click Here for Details

Government Incompetence

Faulty w-2s being used by illegalsClick Here for Story

Not Temporary

Obama hires thousands of workers to handle Amnesty Click Here for Detailsand Video

Congress Stands Up Against Russia

Passes resolution against Russian aggression against its neighbors Click Here for Story