Tuesday, November 25, 2014

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Rush Revere & Liberty
Available Now: Amazon | iBooks | B&N | BAM!The Audiobook, Read By Rush

BOX-Join-Rush247"The Democrat Party and the American left has created, in its base supporters, a degree of anger and rage that borders on the irrational, and they do it about everything!  They do it about the Iraq war. They do it about the War on Terror. They do it about virtually everything." -Rush

Free Transcripts, and Audio for Rush 24/7 Members:

"Politicians benefit from all this strife.  Politicians benefit from people being on edge, benefit from people being angry, benefit from people being ticked off. Politicians and activists alike benefit." -Rush


"So Obama started out appealing for calm, and then kind of fed the rage." -Rush

More Transcripts and Audio That Will Reflect the Contents of Today's Program:

  • A Special Video at Rush Revere's Facebook Page
  • A Great Book By NFL Broadcast Legend Al Michaels! You Can't Make This Up: Miracles, Memories, and the Perfect Marriage of Sports and Television
  • Who Benefits From All This Strife?
  • African-American Caller: Take Responsibility, Be Accountable, Stop Blaming Other People -- and God Rest Michael Brown's Soul

Watch Tomorrow's Video Morning Update Today: Unequal Footing (at Rush 24/7)

"Nobody's asked what they think anymore.  Everybody's asked what they feel.  And nobody tells you what they think.  They always tell you what they feel, and their feelings have become common sense." -Rush

Rush's Quick Hits: Sleeping Naked Good for Your Health? ... GQ's Least Influential People of 2014 ... Pope Criticizes "Elderly and Haggard" Europe ... Schumer on Embracing Government ... 

"I think one of the things that's happening as we try to analyze the slow deterioration of our culture, which includes a deterioration of knowledge and understanding of the Constitution, of the rule of law, what has happened, what's replacing that education, that understanding, is this belief that feelings equal common sense." -Rush
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