Thursday, November 20, 2014

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"I don't care if they're in the Drive-By Media or the White House or the Senate.  Everybody knows that what Obama is going to do tonight is unconstitutional. It is like we're gonna put the Constitution up on a wall and Obama is gonna start shooting a BB gun at it, and we're all gonna tune in at eight o'clock and watch it, and then we're gonna talk about what we saw." -Rush

BOX-Join-Rush247Free Transcripts, and Audio for Rush 24/7Members:

"Barack Obama tonight is gonna go out there and tell everybody he's addressing a problem, and he's not addressing a problem; he's magnifying one, on purpose. Not only is he going to put millions of illegal aliens on a path to amnesty; he's inviting millions more to come to the border and cross it because eventually it'll happen again." -Rush


"I submit that if you are energized by the political possibilities that ensue from Obama issuing executive amnesty, that you need to get your head out of the 20th Century and you need to stop looking at things in the conventional way." -Rush

More Transcripts and Audio That Will Reflect the Contents of Today's Program:

  • The President Violates His Oath -- Where Is the Pushback?
  • Why Is Obama Doing This?
  • Nutcase Libs Link Me to Bill Cosby!
  • GOP Leaders Still Live in Fear of Obama

Watch Tomorrow's Video Morning Update Today: Ban Gas (for Rush 24/7 members)

"Just because Obama is choosing not to go after illegals doesn't make them legal, but he's gonna claim they're legal and then he's gonna give 'em work permits." -Rush

Rush's Quick Hits: Obama Address to Air During Latin Grammys... Illegals Throw Watch Parties... Sessions Calls Obama Emperor -- and the Regime Laughs... What's the GOP Strategy to Stop Obama?...  GOP Governors Should Look at Oregon Election... Illegals Declare Victory Over White People on Official White House Facebook Page... Executive Order Legalizes More Foreign Workers Than Jobs Obama Has Created... Obama Facebook Friends Overwhelmingly Fake...Show Ends with Guilt Over What's Left on the Table...

"There's a whole wing of the Democrat Party that doesn't care about winning or losing elections as the primary way they corrupt the country.  They don't need to win elections to corrupt the country.  Losing elections is not that big a deal to them." -Rush
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