Thursday, November 13, 2014

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BOX-Join-Rush247"Jonathan Gruber is an economic illiterate.  He's a theoretician. He has never had to put his theories into real practice except this one. His theories are in practice, and they are a disaster.  He wrote this Obamacare law.  This is the best work he's ever done, he says. This is the best he's got to offer." -Rush

Free Transcripts, and Audio for Rush 24/7Members:

"Folks, in strategizing against Obama and the Democrats, you've got to throw out every old rule that you believe in.  You've gotta throw out every behavioral pattern you think exists and all the old rules about politics.  We're in a new era.  We have not faced what we're facing now, and that's what I don't think the Republican Party gets." -Rush


"We've lived leftist policies for six years, and what happened on Election Night?  The American people showed up and said, 'Stop this!' They don't want any part of it, and the liberals know it.  They know they have to camouflage who they are and what they believe.  They know they are always governing against the will of the people." -Rush

More Transcripts and Audio That Will Reflect the Contents of Today's Program:

  • How the Left Has Intertwined Its Web of Deceit into American Life
  • Explaining Liberals and the Cadillac Tax 
  • Amnesty is Irreversible 
  • Senator Sessions: Obama Will Void All Immigration Law with the Stroke of a Pen 
  • John Roberts Did Us All a Favor? Really?

Watch Tomorrow's Video Morning Update Today: Elitists (a Rush 24/7 perk)

"Nobody is raised to go out and be hated, right?  Okay, so I'm the same way.  But psychologically, I had to learn to take as a sign of success the fact that 20, 25% of the people who hear me every day are gonna hate my guts.  Nobody is raised to take that as a measure of good." -Rush

Rush's Quick Hits: What Do I Think of the Kardashian Photo?... Pelosi Says She Doesn't Know Who Gruber is Even Though She Touted His Work in 2009... 4th Gruber Video Discovered...

"Two former giants in the broadcast news business, Katie Couric and David Gregory, were doing Election Night coverage in a bar, streamed over the Internet. How do they tell themselves that their jobs are big and important?  The answer is: 'Where are they?"  They're in a bar.  They do it by drinking." -Rush

"How do you get up and go to work at CNN every day, when you know nobody's watching, when you don't have any audience? What must you tell yourself?" -Rush
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