Wednesday, November 12, 2014

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BOX-Join-Rush247"From Obama's stimulus to all the supposed jobs summits, you name it, everything has been an inordinate, in-our-face lie with the Drive-By Media doing everything they can to promote the lies or to cover them up or to ignore them, whatever is called for on any occasion." -Rush

Free Transcripts, and Audio for Rush 24/7 Members:

"Did you see where the European Space Agency has landed an unmanned vehicle on a streaking comet? That is pretty cool. Man, oh, man. It made me remember when we used to have a space program in this country. It made me remember when we used to do stuff like that." -Rush


"How does any of what the Obama administration has done help the little guy?  Pick one constituency group in the Democrat Party -- outside of the rich in Hollywood and Wall Street -- and tell me how they've benefited.  You can't.  They have not benefited." -Rush

More Transcripts and Audio That Will Reflect the Contents of Today's Program:

  • Pelosi: You Need Me Now More Than Ever
  • Be Prepared for Unconstitutional Chaos
  • Obama's Climate Deal with China is Suicidal
  • Did Mitch McConnell Really Think Obama Was Going to Move to the Middle?

Watch Tomorrow's Video Morning Update Today: Polar Star: (a Rush 24/7 perk)

"Richard Nixon's considered the default, go-to example for out-of-control, egotistic presidential authority. Nixon cannot hold a candle to what has happened here in the six years of the Barack Hussein Obama administration." -Rush

Rush's Quick Hits:  Europeans Land Spaceship on a Comet!...  Long-Haired Maggot-Infested Pot Shop Customers Not Wanted in Other Stores... Senate Dems Thinking About Passing Keystone Pipeline to Save Mary Landrieu... Coming Tomorrow: Hillary and Obama's Climate Deal...

"Net neutrality? There's nothing wrong with the Internet now.  It's just open. It's free. You pay for what you get. Some people don't like that. A lot of people want freebies. A lot of people want discounts.  Obama wants to treat the Internet like the phone company, like the electric company." -Rush

"The majority of the American people do not want amnesty, do not want 'comprehensive immigration reform.'  They want the border secured. That doesn't matter. Obama's going to violate their will anyway." -Rush
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