Democrats Block Keystone Again

        Democrats block tens of thousands of jobs Click Here for Story    

Is this Global Warming?

Ann Arbor hits 2nd lowest recorded temperature Click Here for Details

Howell School Scandal?

Firing of superintendent sparks talk of School Board recalls Click Here for Story

Democratic Lawmakers Target Charter Public Schools, School Choice

State Dems introduce twice as many laws to restrict charter schools than to fund roads

The bills are part of an escalating battle over the extent which Michigan parents who can't afford or don't prefer private schools can still choose where to send their children to school. … more

Sound Road Funding

Michigan House headed in right direction

Last May, the Michigan House passed a legislative package that would permanently increase annual road funding by around $462 million without a significant tax increase. The Senate should adopt this or a similar package to move the ball forward on road funding. … more

Islamists Attack Jerusalem Synagogue

   Five dead in attack by Islamic Terrorists while Jews are at prayer Click Here for Details

Alternatives to Government Shutdown

GOP has better options than a shutdown of the Federal government Click Here for Details

CNN Making Mistakes?

   Simple mistake or political correctness gone wrong? Click Here for Story

Dirty Harry Says Go Big

             Outgoing Senate leader tells Obama to go big on breaking the law for Amnesty Click Here for Details

Muslims Co-Opt Ferguson Protests

   Insidious attempts by Muslim extremists to take over Michael Brown shooting protests Click Here for Story

Freedom Fall

US now 2oth in personal freedomClick Here for Details and Video

Boehner Calls Out Obama on Keystone

    Vetoing Keystone is calling the American People stupidClick Here for Story