Dirty Donor?

Large U of M donor alleged to be involved in fraud? Click Here for Story

Temperature Drop

Winter is here Click Here for Details

Charter School Group Warns State Superintendent

A decision to suspend charter authorizers not within the law

The Michigan Council of Charter School Authorizers sent a letter Nov. 5 to the State Superintendent challenging his authority to suspend charter public school authorizers without following the formal “rule making process.” … more

After Mackinac’s Successful Informational Campaign MEA Double-Talks

Union president Steve Cook’s “worst fear” happened in August 2014. By its own numbers, roughly 5,000 people dropped out of the union in August. That number means from 2013 to 2014 the number of those leaving the union more than tripled. … more

Screwing You

           Obama set to hurt poor, working and middle class with Executive Amnesty Click Here for Details and Video


    Watch Liberal Senator defend Obamacare after "Stupid Voter " comments Click Here for Video and Story

Democrats Line Up for Controlling the Internet

  More rules more regulation on yet another industryClick Here for Details

CBS Protected Obama During Election

Hid video during Benghazi crisis to help the President's re-election? Click Here for Story

Gleeful Dictator

       Obama looking forward to executive amnesty Click Here for Details and Video

Don't Surrender on Executive Amnesty

Call your Senators, Congressman and the White House Click Here for Story

4 Issues with New AG Pick

Attorney General pick may face some problems Click Here for Details


Executive Amnesty is criminal Click Here for Story

Red Bull Fuels Terrorists?

ISIS fighters staying awake with large consumption of Red Bull energy drinksClick Here for Story

Gun Sales Spike in Ferguson

Religious leaders speak to police officers during a demonstration at the Ferguson Police Department in Ferguson, Missouri, October 13, 2014. (Reuters/Jim Young)    On the possible eve of Grand Jury's verdict people are buying guns to defend themselves Click Here for Details

Wicked Witch of Washington?

    WH Advisor Valerie Jarrett keeps White House enemies list Click Here for Story

Another New Obama Scandal

Quiet DOJ reversal of gambling law?Click Here for Details