The Drift Election Picks

Gary Wellings, Chief Editor

If you've been following the Daily Drift you know this website stands for common sense and the truth. The Truth today, November 4th is a simple one. Our country is headed in the wrong direction and it's time to turn it around or at the very least put on the brakes. Voting Democratic today will bring immediate Executive Amnesty to millions of illegals.

Vote for Rick Snyder for Governor of Michigan today the simple truth is Mark Schauer will return us to the days of Jennifer Granholm with high taxes, big spending and more regulations. The other incredibly important candidates to elect today are Terry Bowman and Mike Bishop for Congress and Terri Lynn Land for US Senate. Bishop needs to replace Mike Rogers a stong conservative whose message must continue and Bishop will do that.

Terri Lynn Land needs to get Carl Levin's seat in the US Senate if you vote for Gary Peters you are voting for Barack Obama and all his policies that are destroying the country. Michigan has had two Democrats for Senators for far too long.  Change the course and give Land the nod.

Finally Give Terry Bowman your votes and support he needs to replace out going Congressman John Dingell. Debbie Dingell also supports everything that Barack Obama supports.  Vote for Terry he is a common sense working man who understands you. Vote today and call/email/twitter and facebook your friends to help restore our country.

Election Day 2014  Remember to Vote!

Washtenaw Voter Guide Click Here for Details

Livingston Races

Candidates aplenty in GOP strongholdClick Here for Story

Michigan School Rankings Ignore Effects of Student Background

High-stakes school performance rankings fail to incorporate key factor in academic achievement.

Factoring in socioeconomic status can have a dramatic impact on assessments of how much a school is contributing to a child’s education. … more

What Should the Next Legislature Do?

In 2010 we updated our “101 Ideas to Revitalize Michigan.” The Legislature and governor have since fully or partially enacted dozens of them. Here is some unfinished business and some new recommendations. … more

Michael Barones Election Night Predictions

Some may surprise Click Here for Details

New Hampshire's US Senator Links to IRS Scandal

   Live Free or Die ...unless your a conservative according to Democrat Jeanne Shaheen Click Here for Story

Today's Election Crucial

   Will our country keep running in the wrong direction? Click Here for Story

Taxing the Internet

Special Interests or just playing fair?Click Here for Details

Poverty Pimps

    Are the streets seeing Democrats for what they really are? Click Here for Story

Seeing the Truth

   Law enforcement says voting for those who support Obama means a tidal wave of illegal immigrants and crimeClick Here for Details

Russian Pushing Itself

Russian Tupolev Tu-95 Testing Europe and the US Click Here for Story

 Islamic Slavery

Reuters/Youssef Boudlal   ISIS dealing in slave trade for womenClick Here for Details