Michigan Loses Again

Season gets worse Click Here for Details

Will Ferguson Explode?

   Protests ramping up before grand jury decision releasedClick Here for Story

Film Subsidy Supporters: Mich. Program a Failure

By Jarrett Skorup | Courtesy of Mich Cap Con

Production companies sold loyalty to Michigan but when the subsidy was cut back, “There was a cartoon-sized hole in the wall where they ran out of the state.” … more

Rough Road for Pension Reform in New Senate?

   Many Senators who supported reform are leaving

By Jack Spencer | Courtesy of Mich Cap Con

Seven of the 20 state senators who voted to reform the state’s school employee retirement system two and a half years ago will leave the legislature at the end of this year. That puts a continuation of the Senate’s current on-the-record position in favor of reforming the Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System (MPSERS) in doubt. … more

Obama Protects Illegal Immigrant Criminals

New actions make it harder to deport criminals Click Here for Details

Third World United States

  People react to Obama destroying the US government Click Here for Story

Democrats are Putting Non-Citizens First

    Obama and the Democrat priority is NOT US citizensClick Here for Details

Friends of Obama

Top Obama campaign bundler accused of being a child rapist? Click Here for Story

Deadly Game

45 dead in volleyball tournament in Afghanistan after suicide blast Click Here for Details