Michigan House Has Better Road Plan

Seeks money within the State budget instead of asking taxpayers to foot the entire bill Click Here for Details

State Can’t Name Any School Closed for Poor Performance

But applies double-standard to charters

As charter school authorizers await sanctions by the State Superintendent for poorly performing charter schools, choice advocates are asking why conventional schools aren’t held under the same scrutiny. … more

Modernizing the Open Meetings Act

Michigan Law Revision Commission takes step forward

The Mackinac Center has been calling for modernizing the OMA and its companion statute, the Freedom of Information Act. Recent action was a meaningful step forward.  … more

GOP Must Fix Internal Problems

Establishment GOP aren't listening to voters anymore than Obama is? Click Here for Details


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks during the closing session of the First Summit of Latin American Muslim Religious Leaders in Istanbul, Turkey on November 15, 2014. (Image source: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)    Turkey's President says Muslims discovered America Click Here for Details

And Another Islamic Beheading

ISIS claims to have beheaded US aid worker Click Here for Story

State Budgets Will Pay for Obama Executive Action

Amnesty will break state budgets Click Here for Details

Taste of His Own Medicine?

    Jihadi John allegedly wounded in airstrike Click Here for Story