Catch The Drift Radio ShowSaturday at 2pm on WAAM Talk 1600 and talk about the news and events of the week call in line 734-822-1600

Be on the Lookout

Police investigating hostage/break-ins  in area Click Here for Details

Small Business Saturday

Try doing some Christmas shopping locally Click Here for Story

Voters Have Diminished Clout in Lame Duck

How much, if any, will gas taxes increase?

     By Jack Spencer | Courtesy of Mich Cap Con

Lame duck sessions in the Michigan Legislature provide a no holds barred setting for Lansing lobbyists and special interests.  … more

The UN Says What?

United Nations dings the US for human rights violations? Click Here for Story and Video

Keeping It Real

(KGTV)   African American chews out Michael Brown protestors for keeping him from work Click Here for Details and Video

Good News in 2016?

  A couple of Dem Senate retirements spells trouble for Dems in 2016 Click Here for Story

Black Panther Bomb Plot

St Louis bomb plot foiled Click Here for Details

Thanks Obama?

ISIS now moving into North AfricaClick Here for Story and Video

Federal Ponzi

Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew  US issues new debt to pay old debt? Click Here for Details

No Coincidence?

Vladivostok amphibious assault ship of the French Mistral class in the docks of SNX France. (RIA Novosti/Alexey Filippov)   Hi-Tech equipment stolen from French built ship being withheld from Russia? Click Here f0r Story

More Hillary Mistakes?

    Clinton's State Dept spent how much on what? Click Here for Details