Body Cameras for Sheriff Deputies

   Washtenaw institutes new policy for law enforcement officers Click Here for Details

Road Rage Testimony

Trial in road rage killing begins Click Here for Story

30,000 Missing IRS Emails Recovered

        What will they show?Click Here for Details and Video


Ferguson looks to close schools because of Grand Jury verdict Click Here for Story

Black Activists See Problem With Obama Amnesty

Unconstitutional and unfair to working class Americans and legal immigrantsClick Herefor Details


        Obama has had years to fix immigration especially when he had the House and Senate behind him Click Here for Story

Wall Street Loves Cheap Labor

    Stock Market surges as they know wages will drop Click Here for Details


United States Attorney General Eric Holder holds a news conference announcing updates in the Justice Department's investigation in the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in Washington September 4 2014.     REUTERS-Gary Cameron   Prosecutors prepare for Ferguson announcement Click Here for Story


White House press secretary Josh Earnest  White House says Obama Amnesty is legally unassailableClick Here for Details

Avoid Acapulco

Violence causes warning for tourists to stay away Click Here for Story

Cosby Plays On

Despite decades old rape allegations Bill Cosby does a sold out show Click Here for Details