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Another Biased Article?

Livingston Daily seems to like Dem candidates despite being in a conservative county Click Here for Story

Bye Bye Brandon

U of M releases Athletic Director Dave Brandon Click Here for Details

Senator Called Film Subsidies 'a Waste,' Now Votes to Continue Them

In June, Sen. Mike Green, R-Mayville, said he considered Michigan’s film credits to be “a waste” and criticized his GOP primary opponent for supporting them. Last week, he voted to extend the program. … more

Corporate Welfare and the Michigan Business Tax

Some subsidies extend another 20 years

Almost one-third of the “$1.8 billion” claim comes from selective subsidies and tax breaks granted under the previous administration’s open-ended corporate welfare programs. … more

Mexico to Release Jailed Marine?

       Judge order immediate release of Sgt. Tahmooressi?  Click Here for Details

Where Do Donations Come From?

2/3 of campaign donations aren't from voters Click Here for Details

GOP Leads in Colorado?

   Early voting going the Republicans way Click Here for Details

Not So Popular

     Standing room only at Clinton gathering but tons of empty seats Click Here for Story

Base Not Happy?

Liberal base not happy with Democrats Click Here for Details

Hiding the Truth

             Bowe Bergdahl investigation done but Feds not releasing until after election to help Democrats Click Here for Details

Spacecraft Disaster

Virgin Galactic ship crashes Click Here for Story

When in Doubt Blame the US

Kerry at Washington Ideas Forum  Secretary Kerry blames the US for world problems?Click Here for Details