Happy Thanksgiving!

And remember to thank our military, veterans and their families

washington   Thanksgiving Thoughts from George Washington Click Here for Story

Tree Lighting in A2 and Holiday Festivities

The season kicks off in Washtenaw County Click Here for Details

Top Black Friday Deals

    Shopping season begins officially Click Here for Story

Job Churn Shows Futility of Corporate Welfare

     By James M. Hohman |Courtesy of Mich Cap Con

Cutting income taxes a better way to spur growth … more

Regulating America to Death

     Obama's EPA ready to push an avalanche of regulations that will increase power costs to Americans Click Here for Details

Fighting Back

TOLO News   Afghan mother kills dozens of Taliban terrorists after they gun down her son Click Here for Story

Thankful for Our Troops

   Incoming GOP legislator thanks military and vets for Thanksgiving Click Here for Details

Denying the Truth?

                Michael Brown's parents won't admit their son died from being a criminal Click Here for Story

Weather Does What the Law Cannot

   Snow does more to stop rioting than police Click Here for Details and Video

Did Missouri Governor and White House Conspire?

    What communications passed? Why were Grand Jury leaks from Washington DC? Why weren't the National Guard posted for the announcement of decision? Click Here for Story and Video