Shop Till You Drop its Black Friday!

Black Friday Shopping Cuts into Thanksgiving

Its a changing tradition for some Click Here for Details

Fantasy of Lights

Howell hosts its annual seasonal Lights Parade Click Here for Story

What Are You Thankful For?

What each state is thankful for Click Here for Details

Voters Have Diminished Clout in Lame Duck

     How much, if any, will gas taxes increase?

By Jack Spencer | Courtesy of Mich Cap Con

Lame duck sessions in the Michigan Legislature provide a no holds barred setting for Lansing lobbyists and special interests.  … more

Liberty, Prosperity and Humility on Thanksgiving

As we celebrate Thanksgiving today, the words of President George Washington reminds us that peace, opportunity and liberty are central to why we should give thanks.  … more

The Contenders?

   These are your probable GOP Presidential contenders Click Here for Details

Facts Don't Matter to Ferguson Protestors

Image source: AP/St. Louis Post-Dispatch, David Carson, File    Michael Brown was not surrendering to police Click Here for Story

Thuggery Season

Description of . A protester breaks windows on some offices near Frank Ogawa Plaza in Oakland, Calif., on Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2014, during the third day after a Missouri grand jury decided not to indict  white police officer Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. (Ray Chavez/Bay Area News Group)    Criminals use protests to vandalize, loot and riot Click Here for Pictures

American Oil Has the World's Traditional Oil Producers Nervous

Russia and the Middle East won't drop production in an effort to ruin US Energy independence Click Here for Details

You're So Vain

President Barack Obama in Chicago  Obama's immigration speech shows a self-centered President Click Here for Story

The Lies of CNN

Blame America first continues at CNNClick Here for Details