Wednesday, October 8, 2014

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Rush Revere & Liberty
Available Now: Amazon | iBooks | B&N | BAM!The Audiobook, Read By Rush
Check Out the New Website! || Transcript, Audio! Rush Talks About!

Live Now for Rush 24/7 Members: Today's Rush's Stack of Stuff - Posted Every Morning Before the Show

BOX-Join-Rush247"We live in the greatest country on earth.  We have an incredible history, and our mission with these books is to tell the story of America, the story of our founding, and do so in a very relatable way so that the young reader can really get to know the exceptional patriots that paved the way for all of us and made all of this possible." -Rush

Free Transcripts, and Audio for Rush 24/7Members:

"I want to share with you just a little bit about book three, Rush Revere and the American Revolution. If you haven't read the first books,book one and book two, you really should, because it'll make three all that much better." -Rush

"There's a general lack of trust in positions of authority in this government already.  There's no trust in running the economy.  There's no trust in policies that grow the economy.  There's no trust in foreign policy.  There's no trust period, and it spans the political establishment." -Rush

More Transcripts and Audio That Will Reflect the Contents of Today's Program:

  • A Doctor with Ebola Concerns
  • Democrats Shun the First Black President
  • Thomas Eric Duncan: Amnesty Martyr?

"Have I ever on this program even intimated that Barack Obama purposely allowed and wants Ebola in this country?  Have I ever said that?  Well, then why is Alan Colmes asking Dr. Anthony Dr. Fauci to react to that?" -Rush

Watch Tomorrow's Video Morning Update Today: Reprehensible (for Rush 24/7 members)

"One of the things that I have been chronicling somewhat irregularly for the past number of years is all of the erroneous health news that has been reported to the American people." -Rush

Rush's Quick Hits: This is the Book on Men and Women I Was Talking About Yesterday ... Spanish Nurse Has No Idea How She Got Ebola ... Did You See This Link on Drudge?

"A lot of Americans still view the United States as a good guy, and they expect their president to be one of the good guys!" -Rush
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