Tuesday, October 7, 2014

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BOX-Join-Rush247"I have simply weighed in on what I think may be some haphazard behavior by officials in the way we're dealing with this Ebola outbreak. I don't like this idea that laypeople are unqualified. I've been hearing this my whole career." -Rush

Free Transcripts, and Audio for Rush 24/7 Members:

"Is Obama an expert in the Constitution 'cause he taught it, ostensibly, in Chicago?  In my view, he's not an expert.  He's an expert on why he doesn't like it and would like to transform it, make end runs around it, or get rid of it. But it doesn't mean I should shut up because I wasn't there when it was written.  That's absurd!" -Rush


"I'm not an expert on Ebola.  I've never had it. I don't know anybody who's got it. I'm relying on what's in the news media and what the experts at the CDC are saying." -Rush

More Transcripts and Audio That Will Reflect the Contents of Today's Program:

  • Panetta Signals Democrat Shift from Obama to Hillary
  • Second Day in a Row, Same Story: My Insurance Was Cancelled
  • Thoughts from a Dallas Paramedic

"Here we have a perfect example of what people refer to as 'homegrown terrorism.' Here we have a red-blooded American boy from Chicago. In fact, referred to by the AP in the story as 'an Illinois teen,' quote/unquote, who suddenly decided to take up terrorism. Oh, wait. His name? Mohammed Hamza Khan." -Rush

Tomorrow's Morning Update Today: Real Killers (at Rush 24/7)

"A lot of us had better start speaking up about things or we're gonna get snowballed and we're gonna end up losing our freedom." -Rush

Rush's Quick Hits: Scott Walker Suddenly Up Five Points... Grimes Supporters Caught on Tape: She'll F-bomb the Coal Industry... Experts Fear Ebola Could Spread More Easily... Men's Health Pulls Story on Talking to Women About Football... Study: Workers Happier with Members of Same Gender...

"Oh, yeah.  I always take the path of greatest resistance.  I never take the path of least resistance, meaning when conversing with people." -Rush
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