Drug Theft at U of M Hospital

Thousands of missing pills? Click Here for Details

False School 'Cuts' Narrative Takes Another Hit

Citizens Research Council the latest to debunk it

The Citizens Research Council of Michigan has joined the growing number of analysts to explain that state funding for public schools has not been reduced in the past four years, despite persistent erroneous claims by teachers unions and Democratic politicians. … more

Not on Same Page

Photo - AP Photos     Senator Schumer says Dems will hold Senate Obama says no? Click Here for Details

Get Your Monday Laugh

SNL skit on Obama will get you chuckling Click Here for Video

Intel Chair Says Allies are Shocked...

by lack of White House policy on ISISClick Here for Details and Video

Illegal Alien Cop Killer

Image via michaelsavage.com   Murderer had been deported twice already...so much for that border control Click Here for Story

Still Doesn't Get It?

   Obama and the White House pressuring states to reverse the Ebola quarantine rules Click Here for Details

Dems Want to Limit Internet Freedom

Want to control politics on the internet to protect their hold on power Click Here for Story and Video

Americans' Renouncing Citizenship

    Another record year of Americans leaving the US Click Here for Details

Over 10,000 Ebola Cases

Liberia Ebola West Africa   World Health Organization says cases now top 10,000 Click Here for Details

Still Many Questions of IRS Scandal

          No transparency says Investigative Reporter Bob WoodwardClick Here for Story

No Backing Out

Reuters / Stringer    ISIS threatens to kill British Jihadists who want to go home Click Here for Details