New Homes for Pontiac Trail

North Ann Arbor area slated for new homes and condos Click Here for Details

MLive reported Sept. 30 that Amtrak’s Blue Water line from Port Huron to Chicago was offering a ticket deal to celebrate 40 years.

MLive reported: "You'll need to act fast for the ticket deal, which kicks in when a customer purchases one ticket — that allows them to purchase a companion ticket for 40 percent off."

For the Record says: Only in the subsidized world of public transit can a company celebrate an anniversary with deals despite years of being in the red. The Blue Water line lost $3.2 million in 2012, $2.3 million in 2013, and as of July 2014 was $900,000 in deficit. Michigan spends $40.6 million, $98.11 per roundtrip passenger, to subsidize its Amtrak lines.

Blame Bush?

When thins get tough Dems blame George Bush again Click Here for Details

One Tough Dog

Dog Named Lazarus Survives Euthanasia Attempt   Surviving a lethal injection only its latest problem Click Here for Story

Ugh Biden Has Some More 'Splaining to Do?

            More comments to clarify Click Here for Details

Writing on the Wall

UK tells European Union to cut immigration or they'll leave Click Here for Story

Doctor Saved from Ebola Re-Hopitalized

Respiratory problem sends doctor back to hospital Click Here for Details

Double Shot

  Marburg Virus rears its head in Uganda Click Here for Details

Another Obama Flu Death

Another child dies from imported enterovirus Click Here for Story

Distrust of Government

   Polls say Americans distrust of government at an all time high Click Here for Details

The Hate Solidifies

Armed Pakistani militants loyal to pro-Taliban cleric Mullah Fazlullah stand at a police station at Matta in Swat district (AFP Photo)   Islamic hate groups begin to join forces Click Here for Story

Love Lost?

Chris Christie slams Obama for not taking responsibilities on intel failuresClick Here for Details

Homeless Man Exposed to Ebola Found

But is he infected? Click Here for Story