Monday, September 22, 2014

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BOX-Join-Rush247"The motivation for Obama's speeches on ISIS is pure, pure politics.  The problem is, it is really serious, and some inside the Washington establishment who do take it seriously are very, very troubled." -Rush

Free Transcripts, and Audio for Rush 24/7 Members:

"I thought we were a welcoming nation. I thought people who crossed boundaries and borders did it with love. Why does some poor guy, obviously with a mental disorder who jumps the White House fence, immediately get thrown back, like a fish that nobody wants when they catch it?" -Rush


"Journalists used to find hypocrisy in the powerful and point it out.  Today, journalists have identified the powerful and they want to be included.  They want to be buds.  They want to be on the same team."  -Rush

More Transcripts and Audio That Will Reflect the Contents of Today's Program:

  • Junkyard Owner Finds Suspicious Materials in Abandoned Car
  • Panetta Throws Over Obama for Hillary
  • Missing Afghan Soldiers Found Near Niagra Falls

"If you are one of those who back in 2008 and 2009 started praising Obama to the hilt as one of the brightest guys you've ever known, one of the smartest, it's tough to now admit the reality he's an empty suit in those regards." -Rush

Tomorrow's Morning Update Today: Totally Acceptable (at Rush 24/7)

"On the left, politics is speeches.  Now, that's not to say they don't implement their policies. They sure as heck do.  I'm talking about the way they persuade, the way they gain support for what they want to do." -Rush

Rush's Quick Hits: Study: Women are Mad Ten Days a Year... Nation Building: ISIS Advertises for Women to Cook, Get Pregnant... How Did It Go with the New iPhones?... Mexican Drug Cartels Cancel Immigration Protest... 

"It's official that the Clintons have turned the page. Obama's in the rearview mirror, and it's all speed ahead for Hillary 2016." -Rush
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